Housing & Residence Life

Apartments In New York City

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Apartment hunting in New York City isn't easy — we're happy to help you in your search.

Apartment Listings

For Landlords: If you are a property owner or landlord who wants to lease your property to an MSM student, please fill out this Off Campus Properties Form. Please note that the Department of Residence Life has the right to remove or deny your request to publish your listing. If you want your listing removed, please email  residencelife@bianlifan.com.

For Students: Students may use this link to review local properties that have been listed by landlords. However, it is important to do your own research and due diligence as you navigate listings. Please note that Residence Life does not endorse any of the properties on this list, and students are responsible for ensuring the safety and suitability of any off-campus housing they choose. Residence Life is not responsible for the outcome of any agreements made between students and off-campus properties.

Other Listing Sites – MSM does not endorse any of these search platforms.

Spare Room


AirBnB Long Term Stay

If you’re not sure where you’d like to live, if you have questions about what to ask a landlord, or just want general information about apartment hunting, the two guides below are great sources of information.

Guide to Finding an Apartment in NYC

StreetEasy Renter’s Guide

International Student Housing Guide

Before you sign a lease or roommate agreement, you should know your rights as a New York City tenant. Find that information here.


917-493-4035 | residencelife@bianlifan.com

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